CAD Models

Where Eric gets to show off his favorite CAD models

If you want the original Autodesk Inventor files or some neutral format (e.g. .step), contact me directly


.obj .mtl

My favorite part drawing from the Automoblox project in freshman year Introduction to Engineering Design

Stirling Engine

.obj .mtl

After doing my sophomore research project with this particular Stirling engine model, I have a love-hate relationship with it.

Nut and Bolt

.obj .mtl

Nothing fancy, but I put a good amount of detail into these models. They're based on stuff I found around the lab.

Danesbury Glass Clock

.obj .mtl

I don't know how long this elegant glass clock has been sitting in my room, but it made for a very patient subject. Maybe I'll upload a picture of the original clock someday for comparison. (n.b. this model requires an additional texture file)

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