California 2021

I actually don’t have too much to post here. Most of my pictures from California are cycling pictures; they’re already displayed in their respective ride reports. I did manage to go hiking with Eddie, Francis, and Iris (on two occasions, with different but not disjoint subsets of people each time); the scenery in the Bay Area is quite nice.

Sea between two hills Clifs at seaside Trail through yellow grass
Some scenic pictures taken while hiking. (Click on any image to view at full resolution.)

After the hike, we enjoyed some ice cream together in San Francisco (on one hike) and falafel (on the other).

Three people eating ice cream
I’ve blurred out the others’ faces because I haven’t asked their permission to be included on this site, although I imagine they wouldn’t mind. Picture taken by Eddie. (Click on any image to view at full resolution.)


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