This page is more or less an index into all the random things that are on this site. I feel like the official index page is more of a frontispiece for the site, which is, I suppose, the norm for modern websites.
Here are the major things found on this site.
Here are some random other things that are here. Many of them were written in high school and exist for historical interest (i.e. my embarrassment).
Here are some great places on the Internet. (Warning: many of these may have been created by me.)
: my main site, which you’re reading right
: a SOCKS proxy that I run. It’s useful for browsing the web over, say, sketchy free hotel wifi. Or, you know, sailing the high seas without one’s ISP
: I used to host another SOCKS proxy located in Asia, acting as a lower-latency service for myself or my family when in China. It turns out that paid services are just better than mine, so I turned this
: a file hosting site for my website. I mostly put images
: backend for the dynamic parts of this website (mostly just comments)
: an old blog that I made for a high school English assignment. This is now outdated; my current blogging is done on my main
: a random thing I once did as part of a joke for a class in
: points to
, because it’s occasionally convenient.I can be found at other online places, although I don’t use all of them regularly (or really at all). Some of these include:
on Githubair-wreck
on Gitlabericzheng
on Keybaseu/air-wreck
on Reddit: I’m a longtime lurker but a relatively new posterair-wreck
on Hacker News: I tend to read but not really posterzheng
on Kaggle: I just made this for a deep learning class that I tookair-wreck#4301
on Discord: I’m here because many of my friends use this, but truth be told, I’m not extremely activeair-wreck
on Codeforces: I don’t actually do competitive programming, but a friend thought it’d be a fun idea to do a contest once, so I made this accountericzheng
on Strava: it’s probably more stable to use my ID number, 69228505
: in light of the whole Reddit API pricing issues of June 2023, I thought I should probably support some federated alternatives@soliteric_monk
on Instagram: after some peer pressure, I finally got an Instagram account in August 2023The handle air-wreck
is from middle school; its connection to me should be obvious. It came about because I had a friend named Sameer, whose name we realized sounded a lot like “some ear.” The best I could come up with for my name was “air ick,” but I preferred “wreck” to “ick.”
If you’ve made it this far, you probably suspect that something is amiss. Perhaps you are convinced that there is some underlying conspiracy that drives the world. Perhaps you would not be wrong.
What’s a website without buttons? This website is proudly made using on
. Here are some buttons for you: