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What’s New on This Site
At this point, my website has turned into a bit of a mess, with content split between a bunch of different places. This page tracks changes so that you can easily see what’s new. If it were more sophisticated, I would add an RSS feed or something here. (Note: minor edits aren’t tracked here.)
Check out my miscellany page for an “index” into most of what’s on this website.
2025-02-15: Chronicled a ski trip to Utah and added The Candy House to books list
2025-02-03: Put up a grab bag of some other pictures from 2024 , and added Antigone to my high school books list
2025-01-25: Posted a trip report on trekking in Patagonia and added The House of the Spirits to books list
2025-01-01: Posted a fun experiment with tungsten to start off the new year
2024-12-07: Added Twelve Caesars and Cry, the Beloved Country to books list
2024-10-29: Wrote a short post on tooling
2024-10-09: Wrote up a life post on my recent backpacking trip to the Adirondacks
2024-09-26: Finished reading Babel and added it to books list
2024-09-22: Wrote up a life post on my recent business trip to England
2024-09-18: After a reader request, I implemented a very rudimentary comment system for most blog posts here
2024-09-08: Wrote up a shorter life update on my trip to Venice
2024-09-01: Wrote up a long-winded life update on my trek on the Alta Via #2
2024-07-19: A few changes since the last update: added Knowing God and The Valley of Vision (finally finished it!) to books list and wrote up some life posts on Vermont trip , Banff trip , and Shenandoah trip
2024-03-09: Added Exhalation to books list and wrote up a short life post on my trip to Switzerland
2024-02-10: Wrote a longer musing on what I call “cargo cult Greek”
2023-12-12: Added Labyrinths to books list , a fun weekend project building a Lego treadmill , and a short musing on divine particularity to a revamped faith section
2023-11-24: Finally wrote up some non-technical posts, on my last summer vacation , London business trip , and fall foliage cycling trip
2023-11-07: Wrote a short post on using exceptions to implement a universal type in OCaml
2023-10-29: Wrote up an old post idea, on why types can’t be thought of as sets
2023-10-25: Added The Brothers Karamazov to book list and updated my picture on the about page , which used to be from December 2019
2023-09-09: Wrote a blog post explaining why I’ve recently decided to accept friend requests on Facebook, in reversal of my longstanding policy
2023-08-24: Published an old, short draft on immigration policy and science and added my new Instagram account to misc
2023-08-07: Finished the historical analysis of predestination that I’ve been working on for a while in the faith section
2023-08-02: Added Gilead and Julia: A Latin Reading Book (a forgotten book from high school) to books list
2023-07-31: Added life posts for ACF senior trip and Hawaiʻi vacation , and a cycling post for saying goodbye to Pittsburgh
2023-07-05: Wrote a blog post about some of my favorite results from my undergrad studies in CS
2023-06-23: Wrote a short blog post on the HyperTeX Markup Language
2023-06-19: Some miscellaneous changes, including adding Midnight’s Children to book list
2023-06-01: Added an explicit page for writings on faith that were previously scattered about
2023-05-27: Updated about me to reflect the fact that I graduated
2023-05-16: Wrote spring 2023 reflection and added An Artist of the Floating World to book list
2023-04-08: Added The Pilgrim’s Progress and God, Freedom, and Evil to book list
2023-03-17: Added the transcript of a talk on James 4:6–17 that I gave at ACF large group, and the corresponding worksheet
2023-02-01: Wrote up some thoughts on church membership as a college student
2023-01-08: Added Morgoth’s Ring to my book list and uploaded some reading notes on the Athrabeth
2022-12-19: Wrote the customary fall 2022 reflection post for the end of the semester
2022-12-13: Added a back-dated post on a mistake in Haskell and OCaml
2022-11-03: Many changes here since I last updated this page. Wrote posts on fall break bike tour , summer activities , and OCaml joke . Also added “Seemingly impossible functional programs” to reading and Klara and the Sun to books . Updated spring 2022 hiking with some new trips.
2022-08-03: New post on Vim complexity and a back-dated post on metrics
2022-05-20: Added Josh’s photos to camping pictures , Hardy’s Apology to reading , Ted Chiang’s Stories of Your Life and Others to books , and my new email address to about .
2022-05-13: Added spring 2022 reflection post as well as back-dated life posts on my birthday weekend and various trips this semester. I also added Hamming’s “You and Your Research” and Coates’s “A Muscular Empathy” to my recommended reads .
2022-03-17: Wrote new life post on spring break trip to Boston and created a wishlist . I also added a bit of content to the about and miscellany pages.
2022-02-08: Added video and Strava links to some ride reports
2022-02-04: New blog post on image layout and backdated short post on ImageMagick thumbnails
2022-01-12: Finished adding old travel photos to life page
2022-01-12: Added what’s new page