Taipei 2016

In the summer of 2016, I went on an short-term missions trip to Taiwan. I don’t think pictures of the missions trip will interest many readers of this blog1, but I will note a funny coincidence: this trip used to be organized annually as a joint affair between my church, MCCC (Monmouth Chinese Christian Church), and PCC (Princeton Chinese Church). Rebekah was also on this trip from PCC; she ended up going to Pitt, and we met again in college. Sam apparently also went on this trip from the PCC side a few years before I did, and we were briefly ended up as roommates in the summer of 2020.

Anyway, I think the part that might interest some readers is our brief excursion to Taipei. We visited a night market and Taipei 101:

We ate some interesting food, including going to a curious toilet-themed restaurant.

Noodles, beef, and egg Hot pot in toilet-shaped bowl Ice cream made to resemble feces
Food eaten in Taipei. (Click on any image to view at full resolution.)

  1. I also have Some Thoughts about high school missions trips, but let’s not go there.↩︎


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