Vermont 2024

Edwin was kind enough to organize a weekend ski trip to Vermont with some of the old ACF alumni in the New York City area. As a new grad, I suppose I count, although truth be told it still feels strange to me that I’m no longer in school. Although I haven’t been an active skier in years,1 I used to enjoy skiing quite a lot as a kid.

While the conditions on the slopes turned out to be pretty bad and extremely icy, I still had a lot of fun skiing again. If I’m allowed a moment of bragging, I think I’m a decent skier for someone who hasn’t gone much in years.

Snow ski trail lines with trees
Don’t let the image fool you…it was all ice out there (Click on any image to view at full resolution.)

Of course, this is where I’m obligated to say that it was really the people on the trip who made it special or something like that. Kidding—I truly did have a great time seeing everyone on the trip. We had quite the range of ACF classes represented: Charlie and Christian had both already graduated by the time I enrolled at CMU! It was fun eating pork belly and playing ZPY with them.

The drive back was additionally quite eventful. Edwin and I got stuck behind a snow plow on the highway for about thirty minutes, as it slowly inched its way down the road. The worst part was that we were the very first car behind the snow plow (there was a massive traffic jam behind us); if we had gotten there just a tad earlier, we could have avoided the whole ordeal entirely!

Oh also, I sadly left my favorite water bottle at the AirBnB. It was a National Geographic bottle commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing that I picked up from the Waterfront Barnes and Noble during my freshman year of college. Oh well: though much is taken, much abides…

  1. My first time skiing since high school was back in December↩︎